HIV/AIDS Awareness and Information Products

No Condom No Cookie
Goodie Box (G21)

A campaign designed to create HIV/AIDS awareness in a fun way by providing cookies with an HIV/AIDS awareness message inside.

90-90-90 Campaign Branded Jars

Range of HIV/AIDS giveaway items that come in 90-90-90 campaign branded jars.

Condom Dispensers (C1,2,3)

Various Condom Dispensers for Male and Female Condoms.

National HIV/AIDS Week
Business Bannerthon (B7a)

800mm high Plastic banner roll, in multiple lengths of 100m.

HIV/AIDS Information Leaflets (W15)

A4 folded Infolets, topics: Immune System, How you can & cannot get HIV, Correct Condom Use, Unsafe Sex, TB & STI Connection, Caring for people with HIV, Know your Status, Anti-retrovirals.

HIV/AIDS Informative
Pocket Posters (W14)

12 Pocket-sized handouts, topics: Immune System, How you can & cannot get HIV, Correct Condom Use, Unsafe Sex, TB & STI Connection, Caring for people with HIV, Know your Status, Anti-retrovirals.

HIV/AIDS Informative posters (W9)

12 x A3 or A2 laminated Posters. Topics: Immune System, How you can & cannot get HIV, Correct Condom Use, Unsafe Sex, TB & STI Connection, Caring for people with HIV, Know your Status, Anti-retrovirals.

HIV/AIDS All in One Trainers Education Material(W1.1)

Facilitator’s Manual, 10 x Dvds, 1 Flipchart, 12 laminated Posters & 150 Pocket Posters.  Topics: Immune System, How you can & cannot get HIV, Correct Condom Use, Unsafe Sex, TB & STI Connection, Caring for people with HIV, Know your Status, Anti-retrovirals.

HIV/AIDS Informative
Playing Cards (W16)

Packs of 52 Playing cards with HIV/AIDS related facts & slogans.

HIV/AIDS Informative DVD's (W4)

10 Multi-language Dvds. Topics: Immune System, How you can & cannot get HIV, Correct Condom Use, Unsafe Sex, TB & STI Connection, Caring for people with HIV, Know your Status, Anti-retrovirals.

HIV/AIDS Awareness
Indoor/Outdoor Display Material

HIV/AIDS Awareness Indoor / Outdoor Display Material 3 metre Hanging or Pull-Up Banners, in 3 designs.

HIV/AIDS Gift Incentives

A variety of giveaway items aimed at creating HIV/AIDS awareness.

Condoms & Condom use Demonstrators (C5,6,7,8,9,10)

Condoms & various Condom Training Models for both male & female condoms.     

HIV/AIDS Informative Flipchart (W2)

A2 12 Poster Flipchart with folding stand. Topics: Immune System, How you can & cannot get HIV, Correct Condom Use, Unsafe Sex, TB & STI Connection, Caring for people with HIV, Know your Status, Anti-retrovirals.